Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Does Grandma Have Cancer - 904 Words

Throughout my entire life some of the closest people to me have either lost their lives to or are currently battling against cancer. Recently I came home from Philadelphia where I go to college and the next morning when I went downstairs to my dad immediately telling me to sit down because he had to tell me something and simultaneously my mom is sitting soundlessly next to him. An overwhelming feeling instantaneously came over me and I knew I wasn’t going to hear good news. My dad asked me, â€Å"What is multiple myeloma?† and unhesitatingly my heart sunk and broke into a million pieces. I screamed out of fear, â€Å"Who has cancer!† and my dad with a look of grief just stares at me without speaking and I turn to my mom who looks at me with a distraught face. I screamed, â€Å"Mom, do you have cancer?† and I got no answer so I screamed, â€Å"Dad, do you have cancer?† and still no answer and lastly I screamed, â€Å"Does grandma have cancer?† and still I get no answer. Terrified at this point I am begging for them to tell me and my dad says you will have never guess who was diagnosed with cancer. After guessing wrong my parents finally told me and I was left speechless. It was my uncle and he has always treated me as if I was his own daughter. I never expected to hear this news and I especially never expected something so tragic to happen to such an amazing man. After processing the news for about a week I called him and he talked to me as if nothing has changed and he was telling me, â€Å"Kajel I amShow MoreRelatedCancer Informative Speech1346 Words   |  6 Pagesmany people didn t have the response or answer to such as doctors, scientists, and even God himself. â€Å"Why cancer?† The question is inevitable, absolutely inescapable. Almost thirteen million people each year are diagnosed with cancer. Everyone at some point in their life will be affected by cancer, whether that be themselves, a loved one or a f riend. 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